For Companies

Discover our vision, our offer and the team!

Our Vision

As Industria Business Relations, we aim to bring you closer to students as partners. This is to further help you recruit young new talent, as well as create visibility for your company to introduce future customers to you. We also strive to bring the knowledge of companies to our students. For instance, we organise workshops and, recently, the Engineering Case Competition together with VTK. All this is also to contribute to the education of our students to become Industrial Engineers.

Group T Jobfair by Industria

On March 4th, we invite you to participate in our annual jobfair, called the Group T Jobfair by Industria. Last year, more than 150 companies were represented to meet our Industrial Engineering students. From Campus Group T, classes for Master as well as 3rd bachelor students will be suspended. In addition, a shuttle bus from Campus Group T and Campus Heverlee will also be deployed so that these students can also visit our jobfair. As a result, we hope to welcome another 750 students.

The official opening is scheduled at 11:00 am, after which the doors will be opened to the public. The end is planned at 17:00 with a closing drink where you can network for an extra hour.
More information can be found on our website.
For further questions, please contact us at
Campus Group T Leuven (@GroupT_KULeuven) / XIndustria Business Relations | Leuven

Our offer

During the academic year, we organise a range of activities to bring our students closer to our partners. For instance, in the first semester, we organise the annual Sector Nights, where students from a specific major, being Electronics&ICT, Electromechanics, (Bio)Chemistry, can meet companies within their sector.
In addition, together with Campus Group T, we also organise the annual Jobfair. Furthermore, we round off the second semester with the Thesis&Internship Fair as well as our annual Walking Dinner.

Besides our events, we also highlight our partners by giving them access to our social media as well as creating visibility on our website or thanks to our Crew.

Interested in an event or want more information? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us at!

Meet the team

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for more information!

Sarah Taverniers

Vice – Business Relations

Jaan Vannerom

Business Relations

Alexander Depaemelaere

Business Relations

Tim Ver Elst

Business Relations

Kato Muller

Business Relations